Elizabeth Scarlett

Elizabeth Scarlett is a British homeware brand that exists to promote joyful living, while raising funds to protect the planet’s precious keystone species. The company was built in 2015, beginning with painting beautiful watercolours that were then translated onto fabrics with embroidery. Elizabeth’s artwork and product designs are inspired by the soft, colourful, and playful beauty that she sees in the world, particularly through animals and nature. Elizabeth Scarlett is dedicated to supporting charities who protect the natural world. 100% of the profits from her Watamu Turtle Pouch go to supporting the incredible work of the Local Ocean Trust and to protecting endangered turtles off the coast of Kenya. The new packaging massively improved the unboxing experience for their consumers, the first physical touch point between the customer and the brand, which leaves an extremely positive impression. Compared to the old packaging that they used at Elizabeth Scarlett, the unboxing experience has also been elevated due to the packaging being designed for the product to be fit in to. This also helped them company with time in production and fulfilment. The new packaging is also completely plastic free and sustainable, helping to reduce their carbon footprint and minimise a negative impact on the environment.